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Spartanburg, SC 29303

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Things You May Not Know are Covered by Home Insurance

Home insurance can cover things you may not expect. At Allsurance Group in Spartanburg, SC, we offer insurance policies to meet all your needs, including homeowners insurance. 

Wild Animal Raids

You probably know that your homeowner’s policy protects you from vandalism and theft from humans. However, you may not know this also applies to animals. If a bear breaks into your house or a deer destroys your new landscaping, the cost of repairs is covered. 

It’s important to note that this applies to wild animals. If your pet pooch destroys your couch, you are on your own. 

Space Debris 

Homeowner’s policy typically protects you from falling debris. This includes tree limbs but also unexpected hazards like meteorites and asteroids. If space junk flattens your living room, you are covered. 

Living and Housing Expenses 

If your home is damaged and you need to stay somewhere else temporarily, this will cover your living and housing expenses until you return. This includes hotel accommodations and food expenses while waiting for your home’s repair. 

Personal Belongings at College

Your homeowner’s policy covers your personal belongings, which can extend outside your home. If you have a child off at college, their belongings may also be covered. If their laptop is stolen, your policy may cover the replacement cost. 

Obtaining a Lawyer if You Are Sued 

Your homeowner’s policy also covers liability. This means if someone is injured on your property, your insurance policy will cover the judgment against you and your legal expenses to defend yourself in court. 

Homeowners Insurance with Allsurance Group

If you need homeowner’s insurance in Spartanburg, SC, contact us at Allsurance Group. Our agents are happy to speak with you and help you choose the best policies for your needs. 

Four rules to follow when you need commercial insurance

Business owners need to understand how crucial commercial insurance is. If you own a business in Spartanburg, SC, we can insure your company at Allsurance Group.

The following are four rules you should follow when you’re in the market for commercial insurance. 

Consider the most significant risks for your company

Your commercial insurance policy should protect you from the risks your company faces. It’s important to pinpoint these risks by assessing them before purchasing a policy. 

A risk assessment can help you to determine which types of commercial insurance your policy needs to include. 

Explore policy offerings with numerous insurance companies

Research companies are offering commercial insurance policies in your area.

You should contact a few different companies and request policy quotes from them. You can compare these quotes when choosing which insurance provider to get your commercial insurance policy from. 

Plan out your company budget with commercial insurance premiums in mind

Commercial insurance premiums are an ongoing expense you’ll need to work into your company’s budget. That’s why you should review and adjust your budget when you buy a commercial insurance policy. 

Update your commercial insurance coverage periodically.

A company’s insurance needs tend to change over time. Business owners need to realize how important it is to update their policies as their company grows and changes.

Reevaluate your commercial insurance needs every time you renew your policy so your company always has the commercial coverage it needs. 

At Allsurance Group, we’re a great source of information on commercial insurance in Spartanburg, SC. Would you like to get a quote on a policy for your company? Get in touch with us online or by phone today!

Is Auto Insurance Legally Required in South Carolina?

At Allsurance Group in Spartanburg, SC, new clients frequently approach us to ask about our auto insurance policies. For many car owners, getting auto insurance is as routine as renewing your license or updating your registration. While we know how easy it is to take car insurance for granted, you might wonder if you even need car insurance in South Carolina to drive legally. In this article, we’ll clarify the common confusion around whether you need auto insurance in South Carolina. 

Is auto insurance required by law in South Carolina?

In South Carolina, you need at least the bare minimum coverage required by law to drive. In this state, the law states that drivers must at least have liability and uninsured motorist coverage before they can legally drive in South Carolina, according to Since this is the minimum legally required coverage, it serves as a starting place for covering your primary vehicle through auto insurance policies. Some policies will also protect against physical damage or provide higher limits for liability. Depending on your needs, the bare minimum coverage might not be enough to make you feel secure as a driver in South Carolina. 

How we can help

Whether this is your first time obtaining car insurance or your fifteenth time, our agents at our convenient South Carolina location are happy to answer your questions about coverage and help you find the right auto insurance policy for your needs. We can ensure that your coverage satisfies the legal requirements for car insurance while adequately protecting your vehicle against damage, theft, liability, and more.

To learn more about our car insurance policies, call our office today or stop by Allsurance Group in Spartanburg, SC to discuss auto insurance plans with us!

Does My South Carolina Home Insurance Cover My Generator?

If you live in Spartanburg, SC, you know the area is prone to severe weather, including hurricanes, thunderstorms, and ice storms. Such weather events often cause power outages, which can be inconvenient. That’s why many homeowners in the area invest in generators to provide backup power. But what happens if your generator is damaged during a storm? Will your home insurance policy cover it? At Allsurance Group, we’ve compiled this informative guide to answer that question.

Home Insurance and Generators

First, let’s talk about what typical home insurance covers. A standard homeowners policy typically covers damage to your home and personal property caused by specific perils such as fire, theft, vandalism, and weather-related events. However, it’s crucial to note that not all policies are equal. So reviewing your policy to understand what is covered is vital.

Is My Generator Covered?

Most standard home insurance policies don’t cover damage to your generator. Insurance companies often classify generators as personal property that requires a separate endorsement or policy add-on to provide coverage. If you own a generator, we encourage you to review your home insurance policy to determine if your generator is covered.

What Type of Coverage Do You Need for Your Generator?

To protect your generator, you can purchase a separate policy or endorsement that covers specific events that can cause damage, such as windstorms, lightning, and even vehicle crashes. You can also opt for a more comprehensive policy covering all risks, including theft and accidental damage.

Investing in a generator can be an excellent way to protect your home and family from power outages, but reviewing your home insurance policy’s coverage is critical. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Contact Allsurance Group, serving Spartanburg, SC, to review your policy and ensure you have the right coverage to protect your generator and home.

Things You Should Discuss With an Insurance Agent Before Buying Commercial Insurance

If you are a business owner, you probably understand the importance and necessity of commercial insurance that protects you and your business. However, how should you choose commercial insurance? What factors should you consider? To make the right choice and purchase the policy you need, here are some questions you should ask an insurance agent when shopping for business insurance: 

What Should You Discuss With an Insurance Agent? 

You should ask and discuss the following:

  • The types of commercial insurance you should consider. A professional and experienced agent will help you pick the right coverage to protect your business, yourself, and your employees. 
  • The limits of the policy. Every insurance policy has certain limitations. You need to know them to make sure you have adequate protection. Certain factors affect insurance policy limits, including location, type of business and industry, and more. 
  • Claim submission. The process of submitting claims varies from company to company. Therefore, asking an insurance agent about the specifics of submitting a claim to their insurance company is important; understanding this process is better to avoid mistakes.

Allsurance Group – Reliable and Trustworthy Insurance in South Carolina

If you operate your business in Spartanburg, SC, and search for commercial insurance, Allsurance Group is here to help you. We serve clients in Spartanburg, SC, and other nearby areas, and we specialize in different types of insurance, including commercial insurance as well. Feel free to contact us for more information or ask questions you need. 

What Should You Do If Your Car Was Stolen?

No one wants to walk out their front door or leave a shopping center to find their vehicle stolen. It can leave a sinking feeling in your stomach. However, there are a few essential things that you need to do if your car is stolen. Read along as Allsurance Group, an insurance company serving the greater Spartanburg, SC area, describes the steps you should follow if your vehicle were stolen. 

Contact the Police

The very first thing that you should do if your car is stolen is to notify the police. Insurance agents cannot do anything unless you file a police report. 

Notify Your Insurance Company

Once you have filed a police report, contact your insurance company. This is important to do even if you do not have comprehensive coverage. Notifying your insurance company may help protect you if the car thief is in an accident in your vehicle. 

Get In Contact With Your Lender

If you have a loan out on your vehicle or are leasing your car, you must contact the lender. You should consider authorizing the lender to talk to your insurance company to expedite the payout process. 

Immediately Get in Touch With Your Insurance Company if The Car Is Recovered

Lastly, contact your insurance company if you are notified that your car was recovered. They can inspect your vehicle and cover any damage that may have occurred as long as you have full coverage or comprehensive auto insurance coverage. 

It is important to note that only vehicles covered under a comprehensive insurance policy are covered for car theft. If you do not have this coverage, you may want to consider getting it. If you want to protect your vehicle fully or want a new insurance policy in the greater Spartanburg, SC area, let the team at Allsurance Group help. 

Does Homeowner’s Insurance Cover a Dog Bite Injury in Spartanburg, SC?

As a homeowner in Spartanburg, SC, it’s essential to understand what your homeowner’s insurance covers in the event of a dog bite injury. While many policies include liability coverage for dog bites, it’s important to check your specific policy to ensure you’re fully protected.

Start With Your Agent

If you need help determining whether your homeowner’s insurance covers the damage that comes after your dog bites someone, the team at Allsurance Group can help. We are experts in the insurance field and can help you understand your policy and the coverage you have. We can also help you determine if you need additional coverage to ensure you’re fully protected in the event of an accident.

Check for Exclusions

It’s also important to understand that some homeowner’s insurance policies may have exclusions for specific breeds of dogs. For example, if you have a species commonly known to be aggressive, such as a pit bull, your homeowner’s insurance may exclude coverage. In this case, you may need additional or separate insurance.

What to Do if Someone Gets Bit

If you’re involved in a dog bite case, it’s vital you take immediate action to protect your rights. It may include seeking proof of medical attention received, reporting the incident to the appropriate authorities, and contacting your homeowner’s insurance company to report the claim.

Get Someone On Your Side

The team at Allsurance Group, serving Spartanburg, SC, can help you navigate the claims process, which can be quite complex. We have years of experience working as a homeowner’s insurance company, and we’ve worked through plenty of dog bite injury accidents and homeowner’s insurance claims. So let us help you negotiate the best possible outcome for your case by contacting one of our agents by phone or email.

What Are The Types of Commercial Insurance?

Certain things are needed to help achieve a stable and successful business operation. One of these things is commercial insurance. Business insurance is vital for all types of businesses, especially in client-oriented industries. If you are currently shopping for commercial insurance, here is a list of the most common types of business insurance you should know:

What Are The Types of Commercial Insurance That Your Business Might Need

Here are the types of commercial insurance that your business might need: 

  • Commercial general liability insurance. This type of insurance provides coverage for general business risks. It covers such common risks as property damage, medical payments, and bodily injury. 
  • Property insurance. If you invest in business property and valuable contents (such as office furniture and equipment), you want to ensure they are protected. That is why you need property insurance. It is especially beneficial for small businesses as it provides financial reimbursement to the owner of a commercial building and its contents. 
  • Business interruption insurance. Your business operations can be interrupted by different circumstances, including theft, vandalism, property damage, or natural disasters. The purpose of this type of insurance is to cover incidents that might disrupt your earning ability. 
  • Cyber liability insurance. This type of insurance aims to protect businesses from various cybersecurity issues, including data breaches and cyberattacks. This type of commercial insurance is especially beneficial for larger businesses. 

Allsurance Group – Your Reliable and Trustworthy Insurance Company in Spartanburg, SC

Suppose you are a business owner operating your business in Spartanburg, SC, or any other surrounding area in South Carolina and shopping for commercial insurance. In that case, Allsurance Group is here to help you. Our qualified and knowledgeable insurance agents are ready to answer your questions and help you find the best commercial insurance you need for your business. Please contact us if you have any questions or want to know more about the commercial insurance policies we offer. 

What is Full Coverage?

Spartanburg, SC drivers are required by law to carry $25,000 to cover injuries per person or $50,000 per wreck, and $25,000 for property damage. Your Allsurance Group agent can speak to you about the other types of insurance we offer, including complete coverage protection. 

Your lender will usually require you to purchase a full coverage insurance policy while you carry a balance, as your liability insurance will only cover costs to the other party. This type of indemnification will extend to your bank’s investment, protecting their interests and yours. 

It is possible to get into a wreck that is your fault and not have any way to pay for your own injuries, property damage costs, and lost wages. Full coverage insurance tends to comprise two types of indemnification: comprehensive and collision. 

Collision insurance can help you if you collide with another vehicle and can be particularly important if your car is costly to replace or repair. This is the case even if your car is paid off. In addition, it can extend to accidents that occur with stationary objects, such as mailboxes or light poles. 

Comprehensive insurance is related to incidents that occur without involving a crash. This can entail situations like vandalism or theft, including weather events such as high winds, hail, or heavy rain. Fire is another hazard that may be covered as well as problems caused by animals. 

Allsurance Group Wants to Help

We specialize in providing superior insurance products and services to the residents of the Spartanburg, SC region, and we can answer any questions you may have. Reach out to us by phone, visit us on the web, or feel free to stop by our office for more information. 

Five Tips to Maintaining a Home Insurance Inventory

A home inventory can be daunting. That’s why Allsurance Group is providing our Spartanburg, SC clients with a quick list of tips to make the process easier to manage. 

Make a Schedule

Develop a regular schedule for reviewing and updating your household inventory. Seasonal deep cleans are great for this. Pairing inventory management with a deep clean allows you to easily update what you’ve added and what you are getting rid of. 

Add As You Get

Whenever you make a big ticket purchase or after a significant shopping spree, update your inventory. Take photographs of the item/s and any receipts or purchase agreements. This way, you’ll have less to do during your seasonal updates. 

Don’t Neglect Storage

Attics, basements, storage sheds, and other hideaways can easily conceal forgotten valuables until they are needed. When creating your inventory, make a note of what’s in there. Label the visible edge of boxes and storage containers to quickly locate your things while you are in there. Whenever you add or remove a box, update your inventory. 

Get Redundant 

Your home inventory is only helpful if you can access it for a claim. You don’t want your inventory to go up in smoke. If you keep a hard copy at home, ensure another is saved elsewhere. Digital tools make this easy with cloud storage backups.

Use Technology 

Many apps make it easier to create and manage your home inventory. You can capture photos and videos, store serial numbers and receipts, mark locations, and easily update your inventory. Plus, they often have a remote backup to cloud storage, so you know your inventory list will be safe. 
Managing your home inventory need not be a hassle. Have more questions? Reach out to Allsurance Group today. Our knowledgeable staff is happy to assist our Spartanburg, SC clients.